The installation of the passenger lift at the Ministry of Justice Building (MoJ) is nearing completion with an estimated completion date of the 20th of October 2023.
This project also include renovation works to the front veranda of the MoJ building and the upgrade of the current public toilets to a toilet facility that can be accessed by all including the disabled, elderlies and the infirm. Both these works will be happening in parallel to each other starting from the 9th to the 20th October.
The renovations to the veranda will include re-roofing therefore the front entry to the MoJ will be closed off during the renovations work. Entry to the building will be via the back entrance. Signs will be placed in the front of the building to advise the public of these changes.
Temporary toilet facilities will be provided on the ground floor of the MoJ building during the upgrade of the public toilets. For those needing assistance to access the toilet facilities can ask the MoJ staff. Signs will also be placed in the reception area advising the public of the temporary toilet facilities.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that these works may cause but humbly ask for everyone’s cooperation, the public will be advised if there are any further changes.
Meitaki ma’ata.